Dr Arianna Brandolese

Office: 2nd floor, MSB

Arianna studied at the University of Ferrara in Italy, earning degrees in Chemistry (BSc cum laude, 2015) and Chemical Sciences (MSc cum laude, 2017; PhD cum laude 2020, Doctor Europaeus). Her degrees were all supervised by Professor Olga Bortolini, and her doctoral thesis was titled: “Homogeneous and heterogeneous Lewis Base Organocatalysis for the synthesis of added-value molecules under batch and continuous-flow conditions”. 


Arianna has lived in St Andrews, Scotland, and in Spain as well as her native Italy. She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut Català d’Investigaciò Quimica in Tarragona, and most recently was Junior Assistant Professor in Organic Chemistry at the University of Ferrara.

Headshot of Arianna Brandolese