Bige Batı

Office: MSB, floor 2

Lab: MSB, floor 2

Bige is from Turkey and completed her Master’s in Polymer Science and Technology at Istanbul Technical University, collaborating with Huntsman Polyurethane on developing advanced TPU bead foams. Prior to starting her PhD, she worked in the R&D department of SOCAR Turkey, designing polymerisation systems and investigating catalysts for PP and PE production. Her PhD, funded by an MSCA fellowship, was a collaboration between the Dove Group at the University of Birmingham and the Sardon Group at the University of the Basque Country. Her research focused on synthesising biobased macrocyclic esters and their ring-opening polymerisation for sustainable packaging applications.

Bige now continues her research on sustainable polymers as a postdoctoral researcher in the Dove Group.

Headshot of Bige Batı